Logicals Connectors

To understand a reasoning, there is nothing like recognizing les logical connectives ((because, so).). If a reasoning is full of ideas, then connectives are what link these ideas between each other. Some call them argumentative connectives. These connectives structure ideas. In this example:

I turned on the light so it’s clear.

I easily find that the connective “so” is for linking two ideas: “I turned on the light” and “it’s clear.”

The word “so” is a logical connective that means the author of the reasoning introduces a consequence. It’s then an indicator of consequence, or conclusion.

And in this example:

It’s clear because I turned on the light.

I find that the logical connective “because” is also for linking two ideas. But this time, it doesn’t introduce a consequence, but a cause. Therefore, it’s an indicator of cause.

Why not highlight logical connectives on a text you’re reading? It’s an effective technique because afterwards, you will have separated ideas from each other. It would be easier to understand the text. You could even highlight principal logical connectives with different colors. For example, I could highlight indicators of cause (because, since, indeed, etc…) in yellow and indicators of consequence (then, so, in conclusion, …) in orange.

Here is a list of the main logical connectives*:

To indicate a cause, a reason, a premise, an argument…
Because By virtue of
Since Considering
Indeed Especially since
Owing to Thereby
Given that On account of
To indicate a consequence, a conclusion…
So That is why
Then / Thus This is where
Therefore Which means
Consequently So that
Whence Whereby

*To speak in terms of grammar, these logical connectives are: coordinating conjunctions ((and, but…); subordinating conjunctions (as well as, since); adverbs and phrases (firstly, however…) ; and prepositions (despite, indeed…).